All of our Child Abuse Prevention Month Activities culminated in our Child’s Voice Luncheon.
After a two-year hiatus, we were able to gather again to stand against child abuse and celebrate those who give children a voice in the courtroom. The Child’s Voice Luncheon (CVL) came back with a bang! For the first time, we had a SOLD-OUT event with 302 tickets sold and we raised over $70,000. The event was fun and lively and full of energy. People came to enjoy themselves, support our work, and give generously.
Our keynote speaker, a former child in foster care, told her story about her experiences in the system and discussed the importance of having her attorney advocate for her and help her use her voice throughout the proceedings.
We wrapped up the program with special recognition of Justice James Hardesty who has been a champion of access to justice since he began serving on the Supreme Court and we were honored to recognize him for his vital work making the civil justice system equal in substance and availability regardless of a person’s ability to pay. He introduced our annual pro bono attorney honoree, Sarah Bordelon, who highlighted the rewards of pro bono service and encouraged those in attendance to take a case.
We had many of our banking partners from both Southern and Northern Nevada in attendance and we were lucky to be able to recognize and thank them in person for their commitment to legal aid throughout the state. We were happy to have Justice Cadish’s support and attendance as well. We are grateful for all those who contributed, appreciate the Board of Trustees’ support of the event, and thank all the staff who worked tirelessly to make this the best CVL ever!